During Christmas break, most of us were home . . . working on term papers and other projects due soon after we were to return in January and preparing for final exams that would occur about the same time. Actually, I was not engaged in such worthy and potentially beneficial activities. Instead, I was enjoying the holidays — Christmas parties, New Year’s Eve, seeing friends, spending time (very little) with family and extended family. I expect nearly all of our class did much the same.
The semester schedule then seemed almost diabolical. The fall semester went past the end of the calendar year and hung around until mid-January. That extended break from school was a font of temptation to procrastinate. Whilst we were frolicking about during the holidays, every once in a while the “nag,” that part of our brains that doesn’t frolic, would send piercing signals. “What about that exam? You didn’t do that great in the midterm, how are you gonna catch up?” “You should really be doing research for that term paper!” It was annoying, but, in my case, at least, grossly unsuccessful. I think I always returned to school after the break with everything still to do and much less time to do it.
Merry Christmas to all! Hope to see you at our reunion in June!