Sunday, June 2, 1968, appropriately, focused on more solemn events prior to graduation.
Classmates in the School of Nursing were “pinned” that day. Classmate Joanne Calore Turco tells us: “Each school of nursing has its own distinctive pin. A nurse receives one on graduating from his/her school of nursing. Most wore the pin on their uniform, but I’m not sure many nurses still wear their school pin now that name tags on lanyards and other identification are required in health care settings. Just like the distinctive ‘caps,’ the pins may be a thing of the past, but most nurses still keep their pins and wear them with pride.”
Here’s a gallery of photos taken at Nursing’s pinning ceremony and published in the spring supplement to the 1968 Sub Turri. If you have identifications for people in the photos, please let me know.
- May be Sheila Hunter, being pinned by Dean Rita Kelleher.
It was also the day for baccalaureate Mass. Here’s a gallery of photos taken at Mass and published in the spring supplement to the 1968 Sub Turri. If you have identifications for people in the photos, please let me know.
Finallly, I am not certain this ceremony took place on Sunday, June 2, but it fits in terms of solemnity. Classmates in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) were commissioned as 2nd Lieutenants.
Here’s a gallery of photos taken at commissioning and published in the spring supplement to the 1968 Sub Turri. If you have identifications for people in the photos, please let me know.
- Taking the commissioning oath
- President Michael Walhs, SJ, flanked by Army officers.
We welcome any recollections of these events.